About the author
+ Are you saying that God is weird?
No! Quite the opposite. Weird is a pejorative term used for things we don’t understand. Another way of expressing this idea in a positive sense is “holy” or “other”. Click here to read more about this distinction.
+ Are you a protestant?
Yes! I grew up in the Baptist church and still regularly fellowship with them. Although I am Charismatic in theology and practice, I often commune with various denominations who believe differently.
+ Are you Sola Sciptura?
Yes! Although Christians define this differently, I believe that the canonical scriptures are the primary authority for Christian living and the way to judge extrabiblical ideas, movements, and manifestation.
+ What does it mean that you are Charismatic?
Good question! In theology, there are three groups of Christians when it comes to belief in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The first group, Cessationists, believe that certain gifts (usually Prophecy, Tongues, and Gifts of Healing) ceased sometime after the death of the apostles and/or the closing of the New Testament canon. The second group, Continuationists, believe the opposite, that all of these gifts continue to this day. The final group, Charismatics, are those who regularly practice the gifts. All Charismatics are Continuationists, but not all Continuationists are Charismatics.
+ Can you speak at my Church?
Yes! Depending where you are located, I am happy to come present on topics such as the Charismatic movement, discernment, and other related topics! To inquire about booking, use the contact form.
+ What if my order hasn’t arrived?
If your order has not arrived, use the contact form and give your name, address, and order number.